How to Change Control Board Model


NEJE 3 and NEJE 3 Plus share the control board, The control board of NEJE Max 4 can also be used as NEJE 3 Max(the control board of NEJE 3 Max can’t be used as NEJE Max 4), So here is a way to change the motherboard model.


Select “Change device model” before connect device
Click button to change model


Bluetooth name will change after next reboot.
GRBL setting and NEJE setting will reset after changing model.
NEJE Max 4 need Z axis connected at homing, otherwise, fail homing.
NEJE 3 Max don’t need Z axis connected when homing. Z homing when you send command “$H z”(GRBL).
Wrong device model can lead to errors, try it only when you know what you are doing.