How to Test Motor at GRBL

Step 1: Connect device with LaserGRBL

Step 2: Manually move your device laser to center of work area, Then set step at 50, and click the direction button, like below


When I press the direction button, laser head not moving.

Please check cable connection, If the problem still exists, please contact us.

When I press the direction button, the laser head moves in the opposite direction

Make sure your device is placed correctly, How to place your device correctly?

Make sure your device GRBL setting is set to default, you can reset GRBL setting by flash firmware once, How to flash GRBL firmware?

If the problem still exists, please contact us.

When I press the direction button, the moving distance of the laser head is not 50mm

Make sure your device GRBL setting is set to default, you can reset GRBL setting by flash firmware once, How to flash GRBL firmware?

If the problem still exists, please contact us.

When I press the direction button, the laser head moves in a vertical direction

Make sure your device is placed correctly, How to place your device correctly?

Make sure your device GRBL setting is set to default, you can reset GRBL setting by flash firmware once, How to flash GRBL firmware?

If the problem still exists, please contact us.