How to Test Laser at GRBL

Step 1: Connect device with LaserGRBL

Step 2: Input command M3 G1 F100 S100 then press ENTER send to your device like below, you device laser will turn on 10% power.


How is 10% power calculated?

S value max = 1000, set S100 = 100/1000 = 10% power, set S1000 = set 100% power.

When set 100% power, the laser start flashing.

Check your power supply, your power adapter does not provide enough current for the laser module to work.

When set 100% power, the laser turns on and then turn off soon

Check your power supply, your power adapter does not provide enough current for the laser module to work.

When set 0% power, the laser still works at very low power.

Yes, it’s intentional. It can’t be completely closed for the convenience of focusing, learn more

Want a full test?

Download this test file and load it at LaserGRBL, you will get this, if not, please contact us.