This page is only for NEJE 2S serise devices, Looking for NEJE Master 2 serises devices?
If you have a problem of stopping halfway while using LightBurn or LaserGRBL, the general failure phenomenon is that the work cannot be completed, freezing, etc., this article should be helpful to you.
First of all, please do a GRBL stability test. We have different solutions to deal with different reasons.

Solution: Updating to the latest firmware

If your LaserGRBL show like above, please do as follow to solve the problem:
First, download NEJE GRBL Uploader v3.6 from HERE and flash the firmware like below(How to flash GRBL firmware?):

Second: Updating to the latest firmware (Choose the low led brightness version)

OK, your device should be repaired. If not, please contact us.

This is because wrong grbl setting, It’s not a hardware problem, keep Hard limit enable = 0 will fix this problem, like below:

If your device is not working properly, but the fault phenomenon is different from the above, you can try a common method:
Try flash your NEJE firmware once and flash your GRBL firmware once may help.
If your problem is not solved, please contact us and provide detailed information.